Itinerary among vineyards: the man and the grapevine
This is a path suitable for families, where some of the corners of the Mendrisiotto which are most linked to the vine growing and wine producing world can be discovered, in particular the wine cellars, the commune of Castel San Pietro and the Agricultural Institute of Mezzana.
The first route's theme is the relationship between man and grapevine: an ancient relationship, fostered and heartened by mythological deities, sung and praised by poets and scholars.
The themes of the different boards along the way show how, from a secondary agricultural activity and with a lesser priority with respect to others, considered more important from a nutritional point of view, viticulture gradually came to take up a more and more significant role in the regional economy.
Peculiar of this Ticinese corner are the regular vine rows that line up on the gentle slopes of the hills for as much as 300 hectares: the largest surface planted with vines of Canton Ticino. And this is the landscape which this route, although plunged into a strongly anthropized territory, deeply transformed by a more and more intensive building activity, intends to offer to the rambler.
Along footpaths and secondary roads, thus avoiding all major traffic ways, it leads through different areas which still offer remarkable environmental and scenic qualities, and to the discovery of small secluded spots where some traces of the past are still evident.
- Hiking boots
- Sun cap
- Water-bottle
- Sunglasses
- Sun cream
- Hiking map
- Camera
- Food
Montagnepulite: This project was born to promote an effective management and sustainable use of mountain huts in Ticino, and in particular the litter management. The responsible management of litter in the mountains is a matter of common sense. We can all contribute: https://www.montagnepulite.ch/en/golden-rules
Alternative routes