The Support Group "Con i Prucessiún in dal Cöör" was set up spontaneously in 2016 to support the Processions of Holy Week in Mendrisio. The idea of Chico Bernasconi, now symbolically elected president, involved 8 friends of Mendrisio "DOC" who, as the name of the group clearly indicates, have the Mendrisio Processions at heart. The aim is twofold: first, to financially support the Historical Processions Foundation, which has to face considerable expenses, especially as regards the restoration of the precious Transparency, through the organization of events, guided tours, lunches, recreational moments or other methods. Secondly, to try to involve "affectively" the population of Mendrisio, the whole District and, why not, the whole Canton towards what has certainly been, for more than two centuries, the most important cultural, religious and tourist event in the city of Mendrisio.