Image 0 - Nature Time Travel
Image 1 - Nature Time Travel

Nature Time Travel

The Breggia torrent, with its untiring flow, has given us some Gorges which represent one of the most important geological sites south of the Alps.

The water that seems to mark a time line, slides and digs upstream the Lombardian Radiolarite limestones, the oldest rocks visible towards the old Mill of Canaa, in the upper part of the Park. Here the rocks and fossils document the sediments, fauna and natural events on the ancient seabed of the Tethys Ocean, when the present continents were still connected in the Pangaea. Going down to the south these are enriched with marl and intact fossil ammonites, they change colour and as you get closer to the Ghitello Mill, they become more recent.

In the lower part, in fact, the rocks describe the subsequent rise of the Alps, the ice ages, up to the present day.

What you will do will be an exciting journey, a journey that will last 200 million years and that will keep you breathless!

Price: adults CHF 15.-, reduced price CHF 10.- children (6-16 years) CHF 5.-, kids (3-6 years) free entry

Reservation: +41 (0)91 690 10 29 / riservazioni@parcobreggia.ch by the Monday before the event.


  • OPENING Sun: 16:00 - 18:00
  • CATEGORIES Get-togethers